Spent working hours are recorded quickly and easily, so you can track where the hours are used. Creating a user profile is a prerequisite for getting started.Therefore contact SAGRO Time v / Rasmus Nielsen,
[email protected] Time is a stable and reliable system in which employees record arrival and departure times, as well as any. check-in and check-out between different departments in the company.With the entered data, the employer can quickly calculate salary base, also in relation to any. collective agreements. The employer thus gets an overview of whether the resources in the company have been used appropriately.Calendar management / scheduling options are available.This app is designed for tablet to be used for stamp watch function. It runs online but also works offline. Employees can choose whether to use pin code or face-in and check-outGet an overview of SAGRO TIME - and throw away the time sheetsContact SAGRO Time for more information and setup.